
Following Car Crashes, Massachusetts Troopers Step Up Enforcement

Last week, Massachusetts police announced plans to crack down on impaired drivers in an effort to reduce the number of car accidents involving state troopers. So far this year, 87 officers have been killed in the line across the country. More than half of those were in Massachusetts. Four recent traffic accidents have involved troopers who were making a traffic stop or working a construction detail. Ten police cruisers have been hit by drunk drivers this year.

In response to the recent rise in roadway accidents involving troopers, the department will be examining procedures and comparing those to departments in other states. There is no national standard for police lights and markers, but there have been studies to measure the effectiveness of different lighting systems.

The state is also launching a driving safety awareness campaign and stepping up efforts against drunk driving. Four extra patrols have been added on Fridays and Saturdays in each of Massachusetts’ five geographical areas. The effort, called Operation Lighting, has led to the arrest of two dozen alleged drunk drivers and will continue through the summer.

Source: Impaired drivers are put on notice, Boston Globe, July 23, 2010
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