
Lincoln Woman Placed on Probation for Road Rage Incident

Medical receptionist Vanessa Viveiros of Lincoln was placed on 2 1/2 years of probation and made to participate in a first-offenders alcohol driver education program on Friday after being found guilty of driving to endanger and six counts of assault by means of a dangerous weapon.

The Rhode Island woman admitted to driving drunk and road rage, causing a collision with a car with six occupants on Interstate 495 and nearly forcing a state trooper off the road.

According to her lawyer, John MacDonald, the incident began with a quarrel at a Providence nightclub that was sparked by the other driver which caused Viveiros to fly into an alcohol-induced rage and chase after the victim, repeatedly crashing into the rear of the victim’s car as it drove down the highway.

“It’s an unfortunate incident. She knows she made some poor choices that evening,” MacDonald said.

State police say the crash occurred around 3 a.m. Trooper Michael Tryon had to take evasive action to avoid colliding with the vehicles as they spun out of control when he caught up to them on I-495.

Probation in road rage crash, The Sun Chronicle, January 15, 2011

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