
Proposed Federal Bill Could Prevent Truck Accidents

In response to a truck accident earlier this month involving a trucker from Massachusetts, legislators are considering a federal bill that would give a tax incentive to trucking companies that install GPS and other high-tech safety equipment. The proposed technology includes automated systems that shut down trucks with an overloaded brake system and warn drivers if their truck strays outside of their lane.

Trucking companies would be allowed to deduct up to $3,500 per truck (for a total of $350,000 per year) through 2014. They could also deduct the cost of buying systems to slow down trucks driving too fast around winding curves. The proposal is part of a larger federal transportation technology bill, which will receive a vote over the next several weeks.

According to a study conducted last year, truck accidents are responsible for nearly 5,000 deaths and over 100,000 injuries.

Federal proposal offers incentives to increase truck safety, Pasadena Star-News, April 24, 2009
Contact our Massachusetts truck accident attorneys if you have been injured by a truck, bus, car, or other vehicle.

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