Yesterday morning, two Green Line trains collided underground near Boylston Station. According to a spokeswoman for the MBTA, both trains were traveling about 5 miles per hour when the trolley crash occurred. Officials said there were no injuries, but police were investigating reports that two people suffered minor injuries.
One of the trains sustained minor damage and both trains were taken out of service. Roughly 200 people were on board the trains at the time of the MBTA accident, and they were evacuated. As is routine, the MBTA employees on the two trains will undergo drug and alcohol testing. MBTA officials say there is no indication of signal or equipment problems, nor do they believe that cell phones or other electronic devices were involved.
Trolley service was interrupted for about 15 minutes after the train collision.
Source: Police Investigate Green Line Crash,, February 9, 2010
If you have been injured on a bus or trolley, please contact our MBTA accident lawyers for a free initial case evaluation.