Massachusetts Legislators Still Mulling Over Texting Law

Over the past several months, Massachusetts newspapers and other media have been buzzing about the proposed bill that would ban text messaging behind the wheel. A bill targeting distracted drivers was first introduced six years ago. Several car accidents have occurred in Massachusetts as a result of distracted drivers (not to mention the MBTA accident last year that caused an estimated $9 million in damage), yet Massachusetts legislators are still debating the texting ban.

Part of the problem appears to be that the proposed legislation includes some other controversial measures, among them requiring older drivers to get tested more frequently and banning all hand held mobile devices. These measures were originally separate but were lumped together as part of a safe driving initiative.

Still, legislators say they hope to have the bill in the governor’s hands by July. In the meantime, more than 20 other states have already passed similar text messaging bans.

Source: A Look At Why The Texting Bill In MA Has Stalled,, May 17, 2010
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