Survey Finds That Massachusetts Car Accident Deaths on the Decline

According to a survey of state highway safety agencies, deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents declined in 40 states, including Massachusetts, last year. Some are predicting that traffic deaths in the United States could decrease to their lowest levels in forty years.

Of the 44 states surveyed, the average decline was 10.7 percent. The executive director of the Governors Safety Association said that higher use of seat belts and an increased enforcement of traffic laws may have played a role in decreasing traffic fatalities. In addition, many states are noticing drivers reducing speed to increase fuel efficiency.

Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, and four other states reported over a twenty percent decline in auto fatalities during 2008. Two New England states noted an increase in fatalities and several large states were not included in the survey.

Survey reveals that auto accident deaths drop in 40 states in 2008,, February 4, 2009
Our Massachusetts car accident attorneys can advise you if a family member has been killed on the road.

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